Sunday, August 26, 2012

Grape Harvesting

One of the things which I like most in Summer is grape harvesting.  Altghough it is quite tiring, I find it so much of a nice experience, almost magical, and I'm so happy that in the few days here at home I had the opportunity to do it again. 
My father and I wake up early in the morning, much before sunrise.  We do this, because as you can imagine, as the sun rises the temperature rises too, and it becomes almost impossible to work in the scorching sun.  When we arrive in the field it is no longer dark, even though the sun hasn't risen yet.  The atmosphere at this moment is so nice.  There is silence, the silence you can't hear when you're in a city, yet you can also hear all sorts of noises.  The rustling of the leaves of a tree, produced by a gentle blow of wind, and the birds whistling or the crowing of a rooster.   

As the sun slowly rises, we start picking the grapes.  Here you occasionally meet some surprises like a nest of bees or a spider like I did this time. 

The spider on its web

After picking the grapes, we select them and press them to produce wine.  Mind you we do this on a small scale, and the wine we produce is only for our family consumption.  Overall I find the whole process relaxing, and enjoyable and I do suggest you to try your hand at one such experience.

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