Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sweet home Chicago

I’m back to Chicago now.  Actually I’ve been back for a few weeks, but it is only now that I’m starting to feel settled down.  Having arrived, when the semester had already started made it more difficult for me to settle down quickly.  

As soon as I arrived, I had to get all the books, and do all the readings.  And we’ve had already a huge chunk of assignments to submit.  In the meantime I was also dealing with all the apartment issues, such as signing the lease, getting internet, and changing the utilities in my name.  I did some quick re-arranging of the apartment, but it still needs some touches.  However the bulk is now almost over, and I can now call Chicago home.  Having enjoyed those warm summer weeks in Malta, I am now ready to face Chicago’s cold winter, which seems to be approaching quite fast.  And I’m looking forward to keep you abreast with what’s going here in Chicago, hopefully weekly.

So let the year begin, and may the odds be ever in our favour. :P (I’ve just seen the hunger games)

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