Saturday, January 21, 2012

First Post

Dear reader,

This is my first blog ever. I was always reluctant to keep a diary because usually I get bored writing after a while. I know that the secret for a good blog is that it's regular - something which I never was.

Anyway enough excuses. I promised I would start one, and here it is. I'll start with little stuff, and hopefully will keep updating and improving it every Saturday, (or perhaps even more frequently) so that you'll find it fresh and ready for your Sunday breakfast. I am already starting to miss those relaxing breakfasts reading The Times and munching toast.

Tomorrow is in fact my first Sunday here in Chicago. This was a week of firsts. First time I've experienced snow, first time I owned a mac book, first time writing a blog, first time I had to clean a messy bathroom…..

Yes, because today I moved into the apartment where I'll be staying for the next months. The apartment is nice, with a nice view, (it's on the 21st floor). Apparently however the guy who was living here before me left in a hurry. The bathroom was disgusting. I attacked it with the help of a bottle of bleach and a scrub. Well it still needs some work, but at least now it looks cleaner.

I need to do something about the decor of my room too, but I have to control myself, as I don't want to buy loads of costly stuff, which I'll have to throw away in two years time. I'll try to be creative. I already started shifting the few pieces of furniture around. Anyway soon I'll have loads of reading to do - actually I already have, so I need to get cracking. When I finish, I promise photos.

In the meantime I give you a snippet of snowy Chicago.

For tonight that’s all, I’ll keep you posted.


  1. Prosit Darm! We're glad you found a place where to live and that you (seem to) like it!
    From my experience one's private quarters start to feel more one's own once one cleans them and moves some stuff around. It's like a rite of passage. Pity about your dirty predecessor though! Tse! Anyway at least you got into the bathroom cleaning rythm immediately - and that, accoring to St Ignatius of Loyola, is the first sign of an organised and trustworthy person!
    Take care!

  2. Hi Dan, I always think you have a narrator's voice, so keep writing as well! I can imagine you telling me the stories slowly with patience :) Did you touch or play or enjoyed the snow, or maybe planning for a skiing trip soon?
