Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day is a federal holiday observed annually in the United States on the last Monday of May.  On this day, the US remembers its fellow countrymen who died while serving in the military.  Because it falls on a Monday, it brings about a long weekend, which is thus called Memorial Day weekend.  Not being American, I still took the opportunity and lived a really holiday weekend.  Our weekend started Friday at 18.00, with you might call a Beer Happy Hour. (or to be precise Happy 2 Hour)  I won a two hour free beer party at Redmond’s which is close to Wrigleyville – The cubs’s stadium.  The cubs are one of Chicago’s baseball teams.  I admit, I have been quite lucky since I arrived here.  I’m seriously considering buying some lottery tickets. 

So this winning consisted in the bar hosting me and as many of my friends I could gather for a two hour of free beer.  I managed to gather a bunch of about 16 people, friends and friends of friends.  It definitely was a nice way to start this memorial day weekend.  Following these two hours we decided to dance the night away in some pubs in the area.  This area is called boystown, and apparently most of the bars are gay bars.  I'm not sure if the name has anything to do with it, I'll have to check. 

Saturday I went to a birthday party at the house of some friends, and here I discovered a new talent I didn't know I had.  This involves squatting in a particular way.  I don't really know how to describe the action, but it seems that no one at the party was able to do it except me.  Maybe I should start doing yoga...

Sunday was beach day.  The water was quite cold, but the air was so hot, that it was nice to swim in the cold water.  This was my first swim for this year, and my first in the US.  I also think this might have been my first swim in a lake.  Although I didn’t see much of a difference from the sea I'm used to.  The two differences which I noted are that when you dive the water is not clear at all, and that when you dry your skin is not salty.  I also sunbathed a bit, but made sure to cover myself in a good deal of sun tan lotion (Factor 50).  I want to make sure not to start peeling already. 

Monday then, which was the actual Memorial day I was invited to another party, celebrating the day.  I was out, and had in mind to go, but had a last minute change of heart and decided it would be better if I go home and do the laundry, and some other chores which I had been postponing for quite some time.  So in the end, like a good boy, I used the rest of the holiday weekend to do my chores, and updating the blog.

I concluded the day by gifting my self a nice ice-cream.

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