Thursday, May 17, 2012

Wonderful Week

Last weekend, I moved into my new home for the next 3 months.  Having no internet access, has made it impossible for me to update my blog on time, but now we're back to business as usual.

I must admit the move was quite exasperating.  Packing proved to be much more difficult and time consuming than expected.  And now at my new home I still lack a chest of drawers and a proper desk so most of my stuff is still in bags.  Luckily a class mate offered to drive me from one place to the other, this made everything much easier.

Anyway, before the move I had a wonderful week.  
All results are out now, and I did very well, and I might have a job starting in August, which means some extra cash.

However the most amazing thing that happened to me, is that I accidentally bumped into three Maltese immigrants who have been living on this side of the world for sometime now.

It was during my volunteer shift at the Chicago Architecture Foundation.  Fate had it that they spoke to each other in Maltese, just in front of me, and the rest was history. 

I still keep thinking at how incredible that coincidence upon coincidence made this happen.  Truly amazing.

Also, being part of a nation which is so small, the odds of meeting a co-national are always very low, so the joy that flows from such a moment is understandable.  Being so few in the world, it was nice to speak again for a while with some co-nationals face to face.  We immediately struck up a friendship, and they invited me for dinner, at this very nice Italian restaurant called Phil Stefani.  I had Pappardelle cop frutti di Mare, which was delicious, especially when considering that sea-food here is a bit different from the kind we're used to in the Mediterranean.  

Good food, good company, Che voui di piu dalla vita? – as one Italian advert used to ask. 

1 comment:

  1. ahahahh Fantastic!!!! CHE VUOI DI PIU' DALLA VITA???? hai ragione Daniel!!!Goditi ogni moemnto!ed evviva le Pappardelle ai frutti di mare.Un abbraccio da Malta...e da Marta!
