Sunday, April 1, 2012

Rooms which travel

Now that I have submitted my assignment I can finally relax and write my blog.  This week was again a very busy week.  It was so busy that I had to abdicate some of my duties, like sleeping, and ordering my room.  In fact in Maltese I would say: ‘ghandi l-kamra se ssiefer’ which literally translates to my room is going abroad.  It is a very interesting and strange saying.  I wonder why they would refer to a disordered room as one which is about to go for a journey.  Maybe because when one is about to go on a trip, they would as I do, take out all their belongings to see which are to go into the luggage.  Or perhaps it is because in a departures’ lounge there’s always a bit of confusion. 
Interestingly tough, the way it is said, implies that it is the room itself or whatever is the object of the statement which is going for a trip, not who ever is the cause. 
Anyway, the origins of this unique Maltese idiom will remain a mystery.  And because now that I submitted my assignment I’m going to spend some time re-organising and cleaning my room, it will stay here.  At least for a while.

Freud’s Last session
This week I also went to watch a play.  It was called Freud’s last session, and it basically shows a speculative encounter between Freud and C.S. Lewis.  On the day England enters World War II, Freud and Lewis clash on the existence of God, love, sex and the meaning of life – only two weeks before Freud chooses to take his own.  There is no proof that this session actually ever happened but the author cleverly presents both perspectives in an interesting way. 

It was quite thought provoking, and being acquainted a bit with both I enjoyed the dialogue.  It was also a good prelude to holy week, which started today with Palm Sunday.   Living this week here, will be a wholly new experience.  I will definitely miss the beautiful scent of stocks which flourish abundantly this time round in Malta.  I will also miss the traditional Maundy Thursday bread called ‘The apostles’ ring’.  Hopefully I will not miss the traditional Easter biscuits: figolli, as I’m attempting to bake them this week.  Will update you next week with the results.    

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