Saturday, February 25, 2012

Short one this week

Hi guys, today's blog will be a short one.  This week was again a very busy one.  I had to hand in a couple of assignments and had to lead a class.  Feedback looked positive, hope grades will be too.

Anyway to celebrate this, and also due to the fact that the Euro is at its highest since I arrived here, I decided to do some shopping, which I must admit was a bit out of hand.  I think I must control myself a bit more, after all I'm not earning a salary at the end of the month, as I was a few months ago.  I need to look into ways how to earn something, although its not that easy since I have a student visa and I believe I'm not allowed to work in the first year.  Anyway will look into it.

This week lent also started.  This year I'm going to try to be more self disciplined in lent.  I want to set a daily routine and follow it.  I want to be more organized.  Now we'll see how it go.  Mind you, I'm considering Sundays not as part of lent :P.

I received some very good feedback about my last blog, and people asked me to share more of what I'm learning here.  I promise to do so in the coming blogs.  

take care

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