Friday, June 15, 2012

Chicago Blues Festival

As I told you in a previous post, as summer kicks in, Chicago is becoming the place to be, with events all over the place.  Last weekend there was the Chicago Blues Festival at Grant Park (also known as Millennium Park).  Blues is quite a big thing in Chicago, especially when you consider that the city has its own blues style known all over the world.  Thus being here, attending one of the concerts being held as part of this three day event was a must, and I didn’t regret it.  There was a nice atmosphere, with people enjoying the music and dancing away to the tunes.  Apart from the band on the main stage, there were other smaller stages spread around the park.  It was a truly enjoyable evening. 
This guy seemed very popular with the photographers, I didn't get his name though.  Any suggestions?

After the concert ended, we walked towards Buckingham fountain, in the same park.  This fountain is nothing out of the ordinary, except for its huge size, and the power of its water jets.  At one point the central jet of water rose to what to me seemed about 60m high.  That was quite impressive, and we all got a bit wet, when this happened.  As the water in the fountain was lit with red, white and blue lights, patriotic American tunes started playing.  It was nice, but I’m still immune to American patriotism.   

Buckingham Fountain at Grant Park

Walking away from the park, I came across a strange scene, hundreds of naked people riding a bike through the city streets.  I thought that they might be protesting against something, but apparently this is something that is quite common, here.  Well as we say back home, everyone needs a hobby….. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera ready, that would have been a good opportunity to increase the viewership to my blog :P

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