Friday, April 5, 2013

Back to writing

Hi everyone!!

Yes, I have totally abandoned my blog, again.  I can’t believe that we’re already in the fourth month of this year.  In a month’s time I will be finishing my penultimate semester here at Loyola.  So now I’m realizing, how close I am to concluding this experience.  Well I’ve still got about 8 months left, but when considering the rate at which I’ve been writing on my blog recently, this might be very close to the last of the Chicago diaries.  Well I hope not, and now that the days are becoming longer I will make it a point to at least drop a line or two, every now and then.  I haven’t been good at keeping my promises in the past, will see what happens…..  

Anyway, I haven’t been writing much, but that doesn’t mean that I stopped doing interesting stuff.  Actually so many things happened that I don’t even know where to start from.  I think one of the most interesting happenings was the election of the new pope, but everyone knows about that.  Back home a new government has been elected too.  We will however have to wait for a few more months to better understand what effect these two new governments will have. 

But, to more recent news.  North Korea it seems, is threatening to attack South Korea and the US.  For the first time in my life, I’m living in a country which has been seriously threatened with not only war but a nuclear war.  Here people are going on, as if nothing happened.  Its business usual, probably because the North Korean missiles can’t fly all the way to the American mainland.  The biggest threat is for the American islands in the Pacific.  Still, this is another first for me, a first which is not that much to be proud of.   Let’s hope that all the issues get resolved peacefully as soon as possible.

In the meantime, this week I shall be posting some other posts to get you up to speed to what I’ve been doing lately.

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