Sunday, November 18, 2012

The festive season is now officially open

Michigan Avenue Bridge

Yesterday, the Festival of lights opened the festive season in Chicago.  This happens with a parade through Michigan avenue.  The parade is headed by Mini and Mickey Mouse, whose arrival is accompanied by the lighting up of the Christmas decorations in that particular stretch of road, and lots of cheering, especially by children.  The parade came to an end with a fireworks show at the river.  There was a nice atmosphere.  A Christmas feeling, although it is too early for Christmas, we’re still more than a month away, and advent will only start in two weeks. 

Mini & Mickey in front of Water Tower Place
Before the festival, our university organized a graduate student social at 16th floor of the Lewis Towers, from which Michigan Avenue can be seen well.  We had some egg nog and warm apple cider, and each student was given a bauble, or as they refer to it here an ornament.  I had designed this ornament for Water Tower Campus life, the department for which I work here, and I'm quite proud of my first venture into design of Christmas decorations.   

So after the social, we went out into the streets to enjoy the atmosphere and headed towards the river to watch the fireworks.  Walking down the streets, the reason why celebrations start so early, was obvious.  The Christmas period brings with it a rise in consumption and commercial activity.  Thus the longer such period is, the better for the enterprises.  We obviously ignore the fact that such lengthening of the Christmas period, not only degrades the value and anticipation to such days, but is also in my opinion harmful to the environment.

Nevertheless its hard not be carried away by the spirit, especially when the weather is already colder than it has been in all my Christmases throughout my lifetime.  Still, I will try to hold my horses, and go through the traditional anticipation for Christmas, going through advent first.  Will see how much I will manage this in the midst of all the Christmas decorations popping all over the place.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Obama again

By now, you should all know that Obama won another term in the White House.  Many were expecting this, but others weren't so hopeful.  Indeed it was a very long campaign, and by the end of it, everyone wanted it to be over and done with as soon as possible.  I guess, it is thus worth chronicling the night when all this came to a close.

In the evening I headed off to a bar where some friends were watching the results.  I had an evening class which ended at 9.30, so I couldn't go earlier.  Although the professor declared earlier that he will keep it short and let us leave an hour earlier, he did not.  I think he was carried away by his enthusiasm, which I must say, didn't infect us. 

When I finally arrived at the bar, at around 10.00, there was quite a nice atmosphere, with everyone looking at the big screens with expectation.  My friends where all gathered in the patio outside, which although enclosed was still very cold. On the tv's one could see the results for different states.  Then suddenly slightly after 10.15, a blue image with democratic party written on, flashed onto the screen.  This meant that Obama won.  There was an explosion of cheering.  Apparently most of the people there were Obama supporters.

All in all, it was a nice event, although it all happened so fast.  Backhome, it takes almost 24 hours to get a clear result of who won the election, and here its done in a few hours.  And the strangest thing to me, is that the results come out even before some voting places close, such as in Alaska.  What's the use of going to vote, if the result is already out?

The excitement didn't last long, and soon everyone started leaving.  So we decided to head off to some friends' house and continue the night there.  The streets were quite, no bar-coding like back home.  We watched Romney's concession of the defat, and Obama's appreciation speech from McCormick Place in my own Chicago.  I must admit I was quite proud to be in this City at this moment in time.  It's not as historical as 2008, but it still was an important event, and the President chose Chicago for it.

One other interesting fact I discovered, is that the President isn't sworn in immediately.  The official ceremony will be held on the 21st of January.  It will be obviously held in Washington D.C.  I'd like to go to it, but it will probably conflict with my school and work schedule.  

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

US election_2

And for those of you who want to keep abreast with the latest predictions, the link below, provides what some think might be the closest to what might really happen:

Election Day

It’s election Day, here in the US today.  Whatever the outcome of this day will be, it will surely affect not just Americans but people all over the world.  That's why all eyes will be on America tonight.  America remains a leader in the world we live in, and the man at the top surely makes a difference to direction in which our future goes.  

Most of my american friends here have already voted.  Some have voted by correspondence, or as it is called absentee ballot, because they are still registered in their home town, and others have already voted in the past days.  Yet the bulk of the Americans is making the actual decision today.  This notwithstanding, the city looks as if it’s business as usual.  The president himself is in town, and will be eagerly awaiting for the results at McCormick Place, described by Wikipedia as the largest convention centre in North America.  I guess this would be quite a nail biting night, especially for him, who would get to know if he is getting fired or not tonight.  

The odds are in his favour it seems, but anything could happen, as they are saying that the difference between the two candidates is not very big.  And the system is not as simple.  Apparently there are two types of voting.  One is the popular vote, which counts the votes of all the voters – like any normal election, and the other vote is the electoral college vote.  The electoral college should vote according to the popular vote, but still I haven’t yet understood why a simpler voting system would do.  In my eyes, the system doesn’t look so democratic, especially because seemingly the votes of some states have a higher standing.  But it’s also maybe because I didn’t really understand how the system works.

So tonight I’m heading off to a bar to watch the election results live as they come out, and hopefully by then I will have a better grasp of the system.  Until then I’d like to propose to you the video below.  For those of you who were following the presidential campaign and who are also acquainted with the music video of gangnam style, will surely find it funny.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Chicago Marathon

About a month ago, on the 7th of October (2012), there was the Chicago Marathon.  The event was a remarkable one for various reasons.  First of all I was impressed by the number of participants, around 45,000.  Coming from a town of around 10,000, and a nation of less than half a million, I’m obviously impressed.  Especially when you consider that all the participants have family and friends who support them, so the number of people connected to the marathon is over a million.  It is obviously a headache to organize such an event and have everything run smoothly.  It also means that the city of Chicago is paralysed during the event with a number of major thoroughfares closed.  Still what impressed me most, was the atmosphere that descends on the city throughout the marathon. 

For a while, 26 miles of streets in the core of Chicago become pedestrianised.  The city suddenly becomes far less noisy and an atmosphere of serenity pervades throughout.  Chicagoans and others line the streets from where the marathon passes and cheer friends and strangers on their journey to the finish line.  Everyone becomes like one family for a few hours, and everyone encourages the participants to go on, to persevere, not to surrender.  And then, when finally the participants start finishing the marathon a sense of joy and elation floods the city.  I was just an observer, but I couldn’t not be carried away by all these feelings, and felt part of it all.  I cannot explain what it was really, but it was indeed a nice experience.

Strange fact

One strange thing which I saw, was this pile of clothes.  I don’t really know how it ended up there, and what was the reason behind it.  But it was strange to see all those clothes thrown away, and people going through them, finding something which might be their size and is in good condition.  I must admit that I didn’t expect to find this sort of thing here in America.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

I'm back..

I’m back.  I didn’t go anywhere really and I wasn’t blown away by Sandy either.  This has been probably the busiest period of my stay here in the US so far.  I didn’t have enough time to sit down and write, not even to think.  I was much absorbed that I even froze a ladle in some pasta I wanted to keep for later.  At least I did open the tin foil package before putting everything in the oven.  Hadn’t I done so, it would have surely melted, and ruined my lunch.

This semester is proving to be quite tough, considering I have an average of two reflection papers to write each week, apart from the various readings, and the work for my job.  Mind you, I’m not complaining, I’m enjoying every minute of it, but it’s also draining especially when you add in the cooking and household management.  It was much easier at home where I would always find good food on the plate as soon as I entered the door, fresh and clean linen and clothes, ironed shirts, and a house in which everything was spick and span.  

Obviously I don’t miss home just for these things.  I miss family and friends.  But I’m lucky enough to say that here I have also found new friends, and people which I can call my family.  This is definitely making me feel more at home here in Chicago.  The problem is that from now onwards I’ll be always away from home, even when I’m at home.  That’s why I now have to start considering the World as my home.

PS. Hopefully in the coming days, I will be able to update you with what I have been up to in the last month.