Sunday, June 2, 2013

5/50...long way to go

Many remember that something on my bucket list is to go to the 50 states that make up the U.S.  Whilst this seemed quite a do-able task, time and money have not helped.  Thus it is with some great deal of satisfaction that I see that at least I'm now 20% into my target.  

May was in fact a traveling month, with two trips which have taken me to the western and eastern coasts of the U.S.  Earlier on I visited San Diego, and last week I've spent it in New York City.  So now I've been to California and New York.  (I discovered that what we generally call New York is intact New York City, not to be confused with the state of New York).  I was lucky enough that in both trips I ventured out of the city and saw some other parts of both states, although this was obviously limited.

I must admit that I preferred San Diego to New York.  Whilst San Diego was more like home with the beautiful weather, the landscape and the sea, in New York the weather wasn't so co-operative ranging from cold and wet to hot and humid.  Still the thing which affected me most was that in New York it seems that everything is driven by money.  Anyway I'll speak more about my impressions of both cities in my next blogs.

At the moment I'm just glad that a year and a half into this experience, I did some progress into this US-project of mine.  Hopefully before I get to come home for good, there's much more red on that map. :)